Thursday, September 3, 2015

First Thoughts

Searched Blogger..
Logged onto my Google account to attempt an easier creation process..

I am still pretty nervous about my settings for this account though I believe I adjusted all of the privacy settings and doubt that anyone will particularly look for my blog account besides Lucy.

I am actually pretty excited about this now that I think about it. I enjoy writing my thoughts and schedules down with pen and paper, but do not usually relieve stress by writing other than the stress that is relieved by writing my schedules down. I find that typing on a key board is actually quite calming and comfortable. It provides a good outlet to focus on, as well as, revisiting computer etiquette. It is also pretty nice not staring at a tiny scream and using only your thumbs to pad around on a phone screen. This might also provide an opportunity for my laptop and I to become better friends.

Now that I have typed up a little nothing I will continue to scope around, however, I may end up choosing to blog on a different site depending on the different sites and the range of creativity. Not that I need anything to be fancy, but why not considering this whole process is to expand throughout the internet and websites.